Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The World of YouTube

YouTube has been no real big surprise to me, as I have been accessing videos on this site for quite awhile now. My son has been on with a few music videos for over a year now, and I am always getting in there and showing people. So, that is whose video you will find here on my Blog. Have a look, they are young talented musicians having a great time with their chosen sound.

I did many searches during this week of LibraryLearning 2.0 and found (not surprisingly) many videos that have to do with libraries. There weren't alot that sparked my imagination though. I think libraries should be careful with what they do in the video category, as many prove to be a little on the boring side. Something that many people think libraries are ... and we don't want to prove them right, do we?

But I did find one that I thought was rather clever. It is a day in the life of the St. Joseph County Library set to the music of Madonna's, 'Ray of Light'. Now, I know we all love our job and find it more than interesting most of the time, but it is usually not considered exciting is it? But take a normal day in a library, speed it up and set it to music, and you have an above average video that, if nothing else, shows librarians to have a sense of fun and humour. If you haven't seen it, click the link and have a look. If anything, this is the sort of thing libraries can promote through videos - not the humdrum - the fun.

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